Get Help

Getting Help in the Course

The course instructors hold regular office hours. All of the Undergraduate Instructors hold their office hours during your scheduled lab time. Check out the information on both below!

Office Hours & Study Sessions are not held when campus is closed or during Finals Week.

Office Hours with Faculty

Faculty Office Hours
FacultyOffice HoursLocation
Chase McCoyOffice Hours on Luddy ProfileMyles Brand (I) 301 (West Side)
Logan Paul

Office Hours on Luddy Profile

Myles Brand (I) 203 (West Side)

You can receive one point of extra credit by visiting an instructor office hour session (not virtual) within the first three weeks of the course. We do not make appointments outside of scheduled office hours for extra credit.

If you need to meet with us but cannot attend our office hours, please email us with the reason for which you need to meet and your availability (the more, the better) for the upcoming five weekdays.

Land Acknowledgement

We wish to acknowledge and honor the Indigenous communities native to this region, and recognize that Indiana University Bloomington is built on Indigenous homelands and resources. We recognize the Miami, Delaware, Potawatomi, and Shawnee people as past, present, and future caretakers of this land.

Beyond our campus, we acknowledge and honor the Indigenous communities across the country and around the world on whose homelands and resources the physical infrastructure of our digital world is built.