Attendance is taken during every lab and lecture meeting. It is worth a substantial portion of the course grade.
Lecture attendance will be taken using your CrimsonCard. Make certain you have your official, active CrimsonCard with you during lectures. All students may receive attendance without their CrimsonCard once throughout the semester.
Lab attendance will be taken manually by your lab instructor.
Errors in attendance do occur, though infrequently. You have one week from the class period to raise a potential attendance error with either the course instructors or your lab instructor depending on if the error was in lecture or lab, respectively.
All students will receive two (2) absences throughout the semester for lecture and four (4) absences for lab. (Absences cannot be exchanged between course components.) We do not accept documentation to go beyond the automatically-granted absences all students receive. We highly suggest that students do not use these absences frivolously and instead save them in case something beyond their control does occur.
If you have an extended absence due to a situation beyond your control (e.g. long-term hospitalization, concussion), please discuss with the instructors as soon as possible. With documentation, this is the only possible exception to the regular attendance policy where instructors may consider granting an excused absence.
Producing falsified documents, forged documents, or attempting to falsify attendance in any way will be considered academic misconduct and dealt with accordingly.
The lists of examples below are not exhaustive.